German troops paying their last respects to a fallen comrade on a stretcher-bearer on the Western Front, 1915.

Photograph belonging to @drakegoodmanofficial.

The following is the diary entry of a Danish-German medical orderly from March 13, 1915 - today 109 years ago, detailing of the awful scene inside a German field hospital following a battle. Translated by myself.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

"At the field hospital, March 1915.

For a day the guns had sounded; one felt that "something was going on". At the field hospital the staff was anxious, they ran back and forth, counted the available beds and put in new ones.

And shortly after midday the first wounded arrived - dusty, soiled faces, the majority with one bandaged arm, some with bandaged heads. For many, the red, warm blood ran through the bandaging and slowly dripped down onto the floor tiles. But no one complained of pains, and with a good appetite they devoured the meal put before them.

And then they told about the experiences on the battlefield. Three times they had stormed the enemy's positions, and each time death had caught his prey. Pale and bloody, the young powerful limbs now lay on the shell-torn fields.

More and more arrived during the afternoon, and everyone was well-received at the field hospital. In the meantime, the night covered the horrors of war and human imperfection.

But at the field hospital we were attentive through this night. Still, the trains and trucks hastily carry the badly wounded and mutilated men away from the battlefield. Every bed at the field hospital is occupied. Moans and groans are heard everywhere.

Here lays now a young soldier, perhaps barely 20 years old, with severe abdomen wounds; he twists and turns in pain and rolls himself up in a sphere. Over here lays an older, bearded Landwehr soldier. He's been struck by several bullets and has lost much blood.

His limbs are cold and stiff. The doctors inject salt water into him, but all in vain; life fades away. With his bloody right hand he waves. 'I'm coming', he says, and whilst groaning: 'Oh, it was so cold out there!' He takes his last breath shortly after."

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