Fallen Russian soldier whose face was eaten by rats or birds following the Kerensky Offensive,


Today 107 years ago, on July 1, 1917, Russia launched its last offensive of the First World War in the Kerensky Offensive on the Eastern Front. 

After millions of losses, shortages of everything and the February Revolution, the morale and discipline in the Russian Army was rock bottom. Following a trip to the frontlines, newly appointed Russian Minister of War Kerensky concluded the Russian soldiers needed inspiration; a boost of morale; a successful offensive.

An attack against the Austrians in Galicia was planned, with the city of Lemberg as the objective. 4 Russian Armies would attack 3 Austro-Hungarian Armies along a 200 km front. The Russian offensive would be spearheaded by their newly formed "Kornilov Shock Battalions". One of these units was the famous Women's Battalion of Death, led by Maria Bochkareva.

On June 29, 1917, the Russians began a bombardment on the Austro-Hungarian trenches on a scale as big as the Brusilov Offensive of 1916.

On July 1, 1917, the Russian infantry advanced and broke through the Austrian lines. By the end of the first day the Russians had captured 18,000 Austro-Hungaria soldiers. The Russians attacked again on July 4 and met heavy resistance, but still advanced nevertheless. 

By now, the Austro-Hungarians were panicking and requested the Germans for reinforcements. The Germans knew the Russian morale was low and sought to kill it off completely. They sent 4 Divisions to reinforce the Austrians, but also to counter-attack the Russians.

By July 16 the Russians had pushed the Austrians 90 km back. But by now the soldiers were exhausted and the Russians were out of artillery. Many Russian soldiers refused to leave their trenches when their commanders ordered them to attack.

On July 19 the Austro-Germans counter-attacked, and met little to no Russian resistance. They advanced very quickly and had by July 23 pushed the Russians 240 km eastwards. 

In the Kerensky Offensive, the Russians had suffered some 58,329 casualties, many of whom from the Shock Battalions, which were irreplaceable. The Austro-Hungarians and Germans had suffered a combined 47,000 casualties.

The Kerensky Offensive was the last Russian offensive of the First World War, as in March 1918, following the Central Powers' 'Operation Fist-Punch', Russia would exit the war upon the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

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