Moment Young couple hangs themselves to d£ath as their parents reject their marriage (Photos: Till Death Do Us Part)

Young lovers who didn't want to be apart from each other, and whose parents didn't approve their marriage, ki*lled themselves by h*nging from a rope.

The pair discovered hanging from a suicide rope

Residents of Bangladesh discovered a young couple hanging from a tree following an astonishing act of suicide.

Several sources on the internet state that their parents did not encourage their marriage, which led the two young lovers to take their own lives since they did not want to be apart.

Patricia, the person who posted the startling images, wrote this:

"There will always be wonders!" "Suicide for love" The only reason this occurred was that their parents wanted to keep the "TWO LOVER'S BIRDS" apart from one other, but they decided to break things off this way.

What is wrong with today's youth? Are they not squandered DESTINIES?

Is it OK to commit suicide out of love? They committed themselves while their family were attempting to separate them, and this is still the case in Bangladesh today.

I need people to respond to two questions I have for them. Is this the love that Christ is speaking of, I wonder now?

Where will these two lovers spend their eternal bliss, is the second question.

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